These are very uncertain times for all of us. I hope you stay safe and healthy. I don't think we can remind each other enough to wash our hands and stay home. I was on board the Celebrity Reflection when the first case was reported in the USA. Needless to say, I was watching the situation unfold intensely.
I joined the ship in Fort Lauderdale for a six-day contract and flew home from Aruba.
The shows went great and I was happy to see my good friend and long-time Celebrity Cruise director, Rich Cleisen.

When I landed I got an email from the cruise director if I could come right back to the ship for three days. At that time travel was starting to get very complicated and the cruise industry had announced a strict new procedure that stopped ship-to-ship transfers.
Ship hopping many of us call it, basically, the new rule meant we could return to the same ship without quarantine (if you were healthy) but all guest entertainers had to wait 21 days before boarding a new ship.

As we all sit and wait this out, I hope everyone stays home and safe.
